Town Meeting Statement - March 9, 2022
The Campton Conservation Commission wants to come before the town meeting to formally announce the completion of the West Branch Brook Forest land conservation project. The town of Campton is now the owner of, and CCC the stewards of 145 acres along West Branch Brook off of Route 3.
This is the culmination of an almost three year long effort that included raising about $35K from donors, the dedication of some of the town's conservation funds, application for grants and collaborating with the Pemi-Baker Land Trust to write the easement for the 145 acres along West Branch Brook.
The commission would like to thank the Board of Selectmen and the town office staff for their work and support of this project. When something like signatures in a timely manner were needed, we could count on their coordination. We'd especially like to note Selectman Dan Boynton's help, first as enthusiastic ex officio on the commission as the project began in 2019; and then being available for suggestions, encouragement and expertise along the way.
Stay tuned for news about parking on the property and other improvements. At our April 6 meeting, we will be discussing projects for this year on all of the 3 conservation properties in town. We welcome you to attend and join in our efforts. No need to join as a commissioner...just come as a project volunteer.
This is the culmination of an almost three year long effort that included raising about $35K from donors, the dedication of some of the town's conservation funds, application for grants and collaborating with the Pemi-Baker Land Trust to write the easement for the 145 acres along West Branch Brook.
The commission would like to thank the Board of Selectmen and the town office staff for their work and support of this project. When something like signatures in a timely manner were needed, we could count on their coordination. We'd especially like to note Selectman Dan Boynton's help, first as enthusiastic ex officio on the commission as the project began in 2019; and then being available for suggestions, encouragement and expertise along the way.
Stay tuned for news about parking on the property and other improvements. At our April 6 meeting, we will be discussing projects for this year on all of the 3 conservation properties in town. We welcome you to attend and join in our efforts. No need to join as a commissioner...just come as a project volunteer.
The Campton Conservation Commission is nearing completion of its efforts to purchase the 145 acre "Spokesfield Homestead" property and put it under a conservation easement. Closing is hoped to be in late June, after more than two years of work.
The Town's Conservation Fund, 3 Grants (totaling about $110,000), and about $36,000 from donors, are assisting the town in making this land acquisition possible. The Town of Campton will own the property, the Campton Conservation Commission will be the long-term stewards, with oversight by the Pemi-Baker Land Trust (PBLT), who will hold the conservation easement. After the purchase is complete, the Conservation Commission plans to provide parking for a few vehicles, and a trail kiosk for information about the property's history and habitat features. This property will provide continued snowmobile use in winter, educational and low impact recreational experiences for residents and visitors.
The WBBF property will be a valuable asset to our community. The property has over 7,500 feet of frontage on the West Branch Brook and over 2,500 feet of intermittent streams, numerous vernal pools and other aquatic features that all together support salamander, turtle, frog, and numerous other aquatic-dependent wildlife. The property sits over a portion of the high-quality stratified drift aquifer that the community depends on for potable water.
This property contains an important leg of the area’s snowmobile trail system in providing snowmobile access into the White Mountain National Forest over the Miller Trail. It also provides an extended, quality wildlife habitat in conjunction with the nearby White Mountain National Forest and the West Branch Brook watershed.
The Town's Conservation Fund, 3 Grants (totaling about $110,000), and about $36,000 from donors, are assisting the town in making this land acquisition possible. The Town of Campton will own the property, the Campton Conservation Commission will be the long-term stewards, with oversight by the Pemi-Baker Land Trust (PBLT), who will hold the conservation easement. After the purchase is complete, the Conservation Commission plans to provide parking for a few vehicles, and a trail kiosk for information about the property's history and habitat features. This property will provide continued snowmobile use in winter, educational and low impact recreational experiences for residents and visitors.
The WBBF property will be a valuable asset to our community. The property has over 7,500 feet of frontage on the West Branch Brook and over 2,500 feet of intermittent streams, numerous vernal pools and other aquatic features that all together support salamander, turtle, frog, and numerous other aquatic-dependent wildlife. The property sits over a portion of the high-quality stratified drift aquifer that the community depends on for potable water.
This property contains an important leg of the area’s snowmobile trail system in providing snowmobile access into the White Mountain National Forest over the Miller Trail. It also provides an extended, quality wildlife habitat in conjunction with the nearby White Mountain National Forest and the West Branch Brook watershed.
West Branch Brook Forest Project
The Town of Campton, under stewardship by the Campton Conservation Commission, has the opportunity to purchase a lovely 152 acre tract of land in West Campton. For well over a century, the land was held in ownership by the Spokesfield family, from which the current owners, the Miller family, have descended. The Spokesfield homestead had not been lived on since 1977; the farmhouse was torn down about a decade later. The location of the house and barn, a blacksmith shop and sugar house are all known and remnants remain. Recently, the Campton Conservation Commission (CCC) entered into a purchase and sales agreement on the property, after working toward this goal for several years.
The property is located in West Campton and has 560 feet of frontage on U.S. Route 3. It includes over 1.3 miles along the West Branch Brook on the south edge, and abuts an 89 acre tract owned by Green Acre Woodlands on part of its north edge. This tract of land connects the Miller property to the White Mountain National Forest. The property is completely forested in mixed hardwoods. It contains many vernal pools and is an integral part of the snowmobile trail system.
The property is located in West Campton and has 560 feet of frontage on U.S. Route 3. It includes over 1.3 miles along the West Branch Brook on the south edge, and abuts an 89 acre tract owned by Green Acre Woodlands on part of its north edge. This tract of land connects the Miller property to the White Mountain National Forest. The property is completely forested in mixed hardwoods. It contains many vernal pools and is an integral part of the snowmobile trail system.
The CCC is in the process of applying for grants and other funding. To increase the strength of our grant applications, it is important to show local support for this project which will conserve the land for wildlife and community use.
We are offering you the opportunity to be part of this project. If you wish to donate, your contribution will be doubled. The members of the Conservation Commission and friends have promised to match funds up to $18,000. A donation of any amount is valuable, not only because your gift will be doubled, but because it shows great community support from many individual donors. Additionally, your name, unless you wish to remain anonymous, will be added to a growing list of local residents who value all that this parcel has to offer our community.
We are hoping to make this a quick campaign by collecting donations before grants are due in early June. Checks can be written to the Town of Campton, with “Conservation Fund” in the memo line, and mailed to:
Town of Campton/Campton Conservation Commission
Attn: West Branch Brook Forest Project Campaign
12 Gearty Way Campton, NH 03223
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request.
The Campton Conservation Commission
We are offering you the opportunity to be part of this project. If you wish to donate, your contribution will be doubled. The members of the Conservation Commission and friends have promised to match funds up to $18,000. A donation of any amount is valuable, not only because your gift will be doubled, but because it shows great community support from many individual donors. Additionally, your name, unless you wish to remain anonymous, will be added to a growing list of local residents who value all that this parcel has to offer our community.
We are hoping to make this a quick campaign by collecting donations before grants are due in early June. Checks can be written to the Town of Campton, with “Conservation Fund” in the memo line, and mailed to:
Town of Campton/Campton Conservation Commission
Attn: West Branch Brook Forest Project Campaign
12 Gearty Way Campton, NH 03223
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request.
The Campton Conservation Commission