2024 Election and Town Meeting Results
Special Town Meeting
Tuesday April 30, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Campton Elementary School
1110 NH Route 175 Campton, NH 03223
Special Town Meeting Results
Article One: To see if the town will vote, in accordance with RSA 31:5-b, to cure any and all procedural defects in connection with the posting /notice of the 2024 town warrant as well as the budgetary forms and to ratify the procedurally defective actions associated with the 2024 annual Campton town meeting. (Majority vote required) (The selectmen recommend this article)
NO 6
Town Election
Tuesday March 12, 2024 8:00 AM until 7:00 PM
Campton Municipal Building
12 Gearty Way Campton, NH 03223
Filing Period: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 thru Friday February 2, 2024
Town Election Results
Voters on Checklist: 2,469
Voters casting ballots: 525 (21%)
Selectmen (Seats on ballot: 2; 3-year term)
Sharon Davis 293 WINNER
Karl Kelly 267 WINNER
Nicholas Coates 252
Derek Todd 76
Gene Marchese 51
Town Moderator (Seats on ballot: 1; 2-year term)
Paula Woodward 428 WINNER
Supervisors of the Checklist (Seats on ballot: 1; 6-year term)
Nancy Donahue 428 WINNER
Trustee of the Trust Funds (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
46 write in ballots cast
Library Trustees (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Shelley Thompson 422 WINNER
Superintendent of the Cemeteries and Sexton (Seats on ballot: 1; 2-year term)
John Timson 433 WINNER
Zoning Questions
Art. 2: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article II (Definitions) to add definitions of “accessory structure” and “sidewalk”.
NO 107
Art. 3: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article III, Section 3.03 (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) and Section 3.06 (Light Industrial Zone) which seek to clarify the boundaries of these zoning districts.
NO 100
Art. 4: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (B) (Commercial Zone) to provide that “mixed-use” is allowed within this zoning district.
NO 106
Art. 5: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (C) (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) to clarify a general design requirement and impose mandatory provisions to the landscaping criteria for this overlay district.
NO 166
Art. 6: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 5 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (G) (Resort Residential Zone) which clarifies the definition of “commercial unit” within this zoning district.
NO 93
School Board (Seats on ballot: 2; 3-year term)
Amanda Dileo-Guilbert 301 WINNER
Ryan Timms 238 WINNER
Kevin G Hamilton 183
Daniel Werman 100
School Clerk (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Nina Sargent 409 WINNER
Pemi-Baker Regional School District
School Board Member from Ashland (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Paul Pizzano 315 (Campton vote only) 1,563 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Member from Campton (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Sheila Donahue 252 (Campton vote only) 803 TOTAL WINNER
Carolyn Varin 149 (Campton vote only) 766 TOTAL
School Board Member from Holderness (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Phillip McCormack 322 (Campton vote only) 1,595 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Member from Plymouth (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Barbara Noyes 326 (Campton vote only) 1,621 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Member from Thornton (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Tony Torino 307 (Campton vote only) 1,607 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Moderator (Seats on ballot: 1; 2-year term)
Quentin Blaine 351 (Campton vote only) 1,710 TOTAL WINNER
Tuesday March 12, 2024 8:00 AM until 7:00 PM
Campton Municipal Building
12 Gearty Way Campton, NH 03223
Filing Period: Wednesday, January 24, 2024 thru Friday February 2, 2024
Town Election Results
Voters on Checklist: 2,469
Voters casting ballots: 525 (21%)
Selectmen (Seats on ballot: 2; 3-year term)
Sharon Davis 293 WINNER
Karl Kelly 267 WINNER
Nicholas Coates 252
Derek Todd 76
Gene Marchese 51
Town Moderator (Seats on ballot: 1; 2-year term)
Paula Woodward 428 WINNER
Supervisors of the Checklist (Seats on ballot: 1; 6-year term)
Nancy Donahue 428 WINNER
Trustee of the Trust Funds (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
46 write in ballots cast
Library Trustees (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Shelley Thompson 422 WINNER
Superintendent of the Cemeteries and Sexton (Seats on ballot: 1; 2-year term)
John Timson 433 WINNER
Zoning Questions
Art. 2: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article II (Definitions) to add definitions of “accessory structure” and “sidewalk”.
NO 107
Art. 3: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article III, Section 3.03 (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) and Section 3.06 (Light Industrial Zone) which seek to clarify the boundaries of these zoning districts.
NO 100
Art. 4: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (B) (Commercial Zone) to provide that “mixed-use” is allowed within this zoning district.
NO 106
Art. 5: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (C) (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) to clarify a general design requirement and impose mandatory provisions to the landscaping criteria for this overlay district.
NO 166
Art. 6: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 5 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (G) (Resort Residential Zone) which clarifies the definition of “commercial unit” within this zoning district.
NO 93
School Board (Seats on ballot: 2; 3-year term)
Amanda Dileo-Guilbert 301 WINNER
Ryan Timms 238 WINNER
Kevin G Hamilton 183
Daniel Werman 100
School Clerk (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Nina Sargent 409 WINNER
Pemi-Baker Regional School District
School Board Member from Ashland (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Paul Pizzano 315 (Campton vote only) 1,563 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Member from Campton (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Sheila Donahue 252 (Campton vote only) 803 TOTAL WINNER
Carolyn Varin 149 (Campton vote only) 766 TOTAL
School Board Member from Holderness (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Phillip McCormack 322 (Campton vote only) 1,595 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Member from Plymouth (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Barbara Noyes 326 (Campton vote only) 1,621 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Member from Thornton (Seats on ballot: 1; 3-year term)
Tony Torino 307 (Campton vote only) 1,607 TOTAL WINNER
School Board Moderator (Seats on ballot: 1; 2-year term)
Quentin Blaine 351 (Campton vote only) 1,710 TOTAL WINNER
Town Meeting
Wednesday March 13, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Campton Elementary School
1110 NH Route 175 Campton, NH 03223
Town of Campton
To the inhabitants of the Town of Campton, in the County of Grafton, in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs:
You are hereby notified to meet at the Campton Municipal Building at 12 Gearty Way, Campton, on Tuesday, the 12th day of March 2024, from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. to act on Articles 1 through 6. The Business Meeting will reconvene at the Campton Elementary School at 1110 NH Rte. 175 on Wednesday, the 13th day of March 2024, at 6:30 p.m. to consider the remaining warrant articles.
Art. 1: To choose all necessary Town Officers for the ensuing year: Selectmen for Three Years – Two Positions, Town Moderator for Two Years – One position, Supt. & Sexton of the Cemeteries for One Year – One Position, Trustee of the Trust Funds for Three Years- One Position, Library Trustee for Three Years-One Position, Supervisor of the Checklist for Six Years – One Position.
Art. 2: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article II (Definitions) to add definitions of “accessory structure” and “sidewalk”.
NO 107
Art. 3: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article III, Section 3.03 (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) and Section 3.06 (Light Industrial Zone) which seek to clarify the boundaries of these zoning districts.
NO 100
Art. 4: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (B) (Commercial Zone) to provide that “mixed-use” is allowed within this zoning district.
NO 106
Art. 5: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (C) (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) to clarify a general design requirement and impose mandatory provisions to the landscaping criteria for this overlay district.
NO 166
Art. 6: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 5 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (G) (Resort Residential Zone) which clarifies the definition of “commercial unit” within this zoning district.
NO 93
The following articles will be taken up during the Deliberative Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th of March 2024 at the Campton Elementary School.
Art. 7: Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 (known as SB 2) to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Town of Campton on the second Tuesday of March? This is a proposal to change the current process used in town to SB2. RSA 40:13, Senate Bill 2, also known as SB2, (Official Ballot Referenda) is a form of town meeting that has two sessions. The first (deliberative session) is for explanation, discussion, debate and amendments to the proposed operating budget and warrant articles. The second session (voting session) allows voters to cast an official ballot to pass/fail proposed articles. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5-0 (By petition) (3/5 Majority vote by ballot required – polls to remain open for a period not less than one hour).
Yes 60
Art. 8: Shall the following provisions pertaining to elections be adopted? All voting shall be by paper ballot and all ballots shall be hand counted only, rather than by use of optical scanning or any other types of programmable electronic counting devices. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
YES 53
Art. 9: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,480,417.00 for general municipal operations during the ensuing year. The Prosecutor and the Fire Department will be offset from the intergovernmental agreements that are in place. This sum does not include amounts set for an individual or special articles contained in the warrant. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority Vote Required)
Board of Selectman $26,100.00
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/SOC $272,309.00
Executive Administration $468,323.00
Assessing Services $51,000.00
Legal $75,000.00
Personnel Administration $97,001.00
Planning/Zoning/Tax Maps $28,650.00
Government Buildings $201,500.00
Cemetery $75,155.00
Insurance $86,663.00
Advertising & Regional $17,100.00
Trust Management $850.00
Police Department $1,159,324.00
Fire Department $1,313,741.00
FD Dispatch/Forest Fire $43,877.00
Emergency Management $2,500.00
Signs, Posts, E911 $3,000.00
Highway $794,230.00
Hydrant Rental $7,200.00
Solid Waste & Landfill $305,451.00
Beebe River Utilities $22,840.00
Health Agencies $16,880.00
Town Welfare/Bridge House/VAV $19,000.00
Park & Recreation $202,817.00
Library $52,750.00
Patriotic Purposes $1,500.00
Conservation Commission $1,950.00
Long Term Debt & Interest $133,706.00
YES 60
Article PASSED by show of hands
Art. 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000.00 to be added to the Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $71,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing and outfitting a new cruiser for the Police Department and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of this amount from the unassigned fund balance as of December 31, 2023. No amount to be raised by general taxation. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 12: To see if the Town of Campton will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $31,690 to be added to the Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund previously established. This amount will come from the unassigned fund balance. The State has made a onetime bridge payment which has been deposited into the unassigned fund balance. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 13: To see if the Town will vote to adopt the Campton Community Power Plan, to authorize the Select Board to implement the plan, and to take all action in furtherance thereof, pursuant to RSA 53-E. The Campton Community Power plan is an initiative to offer lower electricity rates to residents. The plan will launch only if it can offer lower rates. Initial participation can be declined and residents can opt out at any time in the future. The Selectmen recommend this article 4-0-1 (Majority vote required)
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $750,000.00 to be added to the Road Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
Yes 36
Article PASSED by show of hands
Art. 15: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $150,000.00 to be added to the Fire/Rescue Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 16: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $90,000.00 to be placed in the following designated Capital Reserve Funds previously established and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $90,000.00 from the unassigned fund balance as of December 31, 2023. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required):
Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve Fund $ 40,000.00
Campton Historical Building Fund $ 2,500.00
Office Technology Fund $15,000.00
Fire Department Equipment Capital Reserve Fund $ 7,500.00
Solid Waste Disposal Capital Reserve Fund $ 25,000.00
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 17: To see if the Town will vote to establish a contingency fund for the current year for unanticipated expenses that may arise and further to raise and appropriate $25,000.00 to put in the fund. This sum to come from unassigned fund balance. Any appropriation left in the fund at the end of the year will lapse to the general fund. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 18: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 1-4-0 (By Petition) (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 19: To see if the town will vote to assume responsibility for the cost and management of the street lights (including bridge lights and street lights in Six Flags), the water fountain located at the intersection of 175 and Mad River Road, and the Christmas Lights for the tree at the stoplights beginning January 1, 2025. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 20: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 to cover operating costs and management of the street lights (including bridge lights and street lights in Six Flags), the water fountain located at the intersection of 175 and Mad river Road and the Christmas Lights for the tree at the stoplights for April-December 2024. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
FAILED by show of hands
Art. 21: To see if the town will vote to assume responsibility for the management of all Campton sidewalks to start January 2026. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 1-4-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
FAILED by show of hands
Art. 22: To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of agents and officers hereto chosen. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 23: To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Polls will open at 8 a.m. on March 12, 2024, to vote on Articles 1 through 6, at the Campton Municipal Building, 12 Gearty Way. The other articles are to be taken up on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Campton Elementary School at 1110 NH Rte. 175.
Wednesday March 13, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Campton Elementary School
1110 NH Route 175 Campton, NH 03223
Town of Campton
To the inhabitants of the Town of Campton, in the County of Grafton, in said State, qualified to vote in Town Affairs:
You are hereby notified to meet at the Campton Municipal Building at 12 Gearty Way, Campton, on Tuesday, the 12th day of March 2024, from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. to act on Articles 1 through 6. The Business Meeting will reconvene at the Campton Elementary School at 1110 NH Rte. 175 on Wednesday, the 13th day of March 2024, at 6:30 p.m. to consider the remaining warrant articles.
Art. 1: To choose all necessary Town Officers for the ensuing year: Selectmen for Three Years – Two Positions, Town Moderator for Two Years – One position, Supt. & Sexton of the Cemeteries for One Year – One Position, Trustee of the Trust Funds for Three Years- One Position, Library Trustee for Three Years-One Position, Supervisor of the Checklist for Six Years – One Position.
Art. 2: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article II (Definitions) to add definitions of “accessory structure” and “sidewalk”.
NO 107
Art. 3: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article III, Section 3.03 (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) and Section 3.06 (Light Industrial Zone) which seek to clarify the boundaries of these zoning districts.
NO 100
Art. 4: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (B) (Commercial Zone) to provide that “mixed-use” is allowed within this zoning district.
NO 106
Art. 5: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (C) (Campton Town Center Overlay Zone) to clarify a general design requirement and impose mandatory provisions to the landscaping criteria for this overlay district.
NO 166
Art. 6: Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 5 as proposed by the Planning Board for the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as follows: To amend Article IV, Section 4.02 (G) (Resort Residential Zone) which clarifies the definition of “commercial unit” within this zoning district.
NO 93
The following articles will be taken up during the Deliberative Session beginning at 6:30 p.m. on the 13th of March 2024 at the Campton Elementary School.
Art. 7: Shall we adopt the provisions of RSA 40:13 (known as SB 2) to allow official ballot voting on all issues before the Town of Campton on the second Tuesday of March? This is a proposal to change the current process used in town to SB2. RSA 40:13, Senate Bill 2, also known as SB2, (Official Ballot Referenda) is a form of town meeting that has two sessions. The first (deliberative session) is for explanation, discussion, debate and amendments to the proposed operating budget and warrant articles. The second session (voting session) allows voters to cast an official ballot to pass/fail proposed articles. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5-0 (By petition) (3/5 Majority vote by ballot required – polls to remain open for a period not less than one hour).
Yes 60
Art. 8: Shall the following provisions pertaining to elections be adopted? All voting shall be by paper ballot and all ballots shall be hand counted only, rather than by use of optical scanning or any other types of programmable electronic counting devices. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
YES 53
Art. 9: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,480,417.00 for general municipal operations during the ensuing year. The Prosecutor and the Fire Department will be offset from the intergovernmental agreements that are in place. This sum does not include amounts set for an individual or special articles contained in the warrant. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority Vote Required)
Board of Selectman $26,100.00
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/SOC $272,309.00
Executive Administration $468,323.00
Assessing Services $51,000.00
Legal $75,000.00
Personnel Administration $97,001.00
Planning/Zoning/Tax Maps $28,650.00
Government Buildings $201,500.00
Cemetery $75,155.00
Insurance $86,663.00
Advertising & Regional $17,100.00
Trust Management $850.00
Police Department $1,159,324.00
Fire Department $1,313,741.00
FD Dispatch/Forest Fire $43,877.00
Emergency Management $2,500.00
Signs, Posts, E911 $3,000.00
Highway $794,230.00
Hydrant Rental $7,200.00
Solid Waste & Landfill $305,451.00
Beebe River Utilities $22,840.00
Health Agencies $16,880.00
Town Welfare/Bridge House/VAV $19,000.00
Park & Recreation $202,817.00
Library $52,750.00
Patriotic Purposes $1,500.00
Conservation Commission $1,950.00
Long Term Debt & Interest $133,706.00
YES 60
Article PASSED by show of hands
Art. 10: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000.00 to be added to the Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 11: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $71,000.00 for the purpose of purchasing and outfitting a new cruiser for the Police Department and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of this amount from the unassigned fund balance as of December 31, 2023. No amount to be raised by general taxation. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 12: To see if the Town of Campton will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $31,690 to be added to the Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund previously established. This amount will come from the unassigned fund balance. The State has made a onetime bridge payment which has been deposited into the unassigned fund balance. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 13: To see if the Town will vote to adopt the Campton Community Power Plan, to authorize the Select Board to implement the plan, and to take all action in furtherance thereof, pursuant to RSA 53-E. The Campton Community Power plan is an initiative to offer lower electricity rates to residents. The plan will launch only if it can offer lower rates. Initial participation can be declined and residents can opt out at any time in the future. The Selectmen recommend this article 4-0-1 (Majority vote required)
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $750,000.00 to be added to the Road Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
Yes 36
Article PASSED by show of hands
Art. 15: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $150,000.00 to be added to the Fire/Rescue Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 16: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $90,000.00 to be placed in the following designated Capital Reserve Funds previously established and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $90,000.00 from the unassigned fund balance as of December 31, 2023. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required):
Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve Fund $ 40,000.00
Campton Historical Building Fund $ 2,500.00
Office Technology Fund $15,000.00
Fire Department Equipment Capital Reserve Fund $ 7,500.00
Solid Waste Disposal Capital Reserve Fund $ 25,000.00
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 17: To see if the Town will vote to establish a contingency fund for the current year for unanticipated expenses that may arise and further to raise and appropriate $25,000.00 to put in the fund. This sum to come from unassigned fund balance. Any appropriation left in the fund at the end of the year will lapse to the general fund. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 18: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $50,000.00 to be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 1-4-0 (By Petition) (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 19: To see if the town will vote to assume responsibility for the cost and management of the street lights (including bridge lights and street lights in Six Flags), the water fountain located at the intersection of 175 and Mad River Road, and the Christmas Lights for the tree at the stoplights beginning January 1, 2025. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 20: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 to cover operating costs and management of the street lights (including bridge lights and street lights in Six Flags), the water fountain located at the intersection of 175 and Mad river Road and the Christmas Lights for the tree at the stoplights for April-December 2024. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
FAILED by show of hands
Art. 21: To see if the town will vote to assume responsibility for the management of all Campton sidewalks to start January 2026. The Selectmen do not recommend this article 1-4-0 (By petition) (Majority vote required).
FAILED by show of hands
Art. 22: To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of agents and officers hereto chosen. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Art. 23: To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. The Selectmen recommend this article 5-0-0 (Majority vote required).
PASSED by show of hands
Polls will open at 8 a.m. on March 12, 2024, to vote on Articles 1 through 6, at the Campton Municipal Building, 12 Gearty Way. The other articles are to be taken up on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. at the Campton Elementary School at 1110 NH Rte. 175.