2020 Election and Town Meeting Results
Campton Office Races
Selectmen (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Dan Boynton - incumbent (194 votes) WON
Town Moderator (Positions: 1; 2-year term)
Richard Giehl - incumbent (190 votes) WON
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Hannah B Joyce - incumbent (193 votes) WON
Supervisors of the Checklist (Positions: 1; 6-year term)
Ron Goggans - incumbent (188 votes) WON
Trustee of the Trust Funds (Positions: 1; 3-year term; Positions: 1; 2-year term)
Virginia Stickney Erickson - incumbent (188 votes) WON
Brenda Boisvert - incumbent (190 votes) WON
Library Trustees (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Priscilla Whitney - Incumbent (189 votes) WON
Superintendent and Sexton of the Cemeteries (Positions: 1; 1-year term)
John W Timson Jr - incumbent (198 votes) WON
Campton School Board (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Danny N Desrosiers - incumbent WON
Campton School Treasurer (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Sharon L Davis - incumbent (188 votes) WON
Campton School Moderator (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
David Moriarty - incumbent (200 votes) WON
Art. 2: This article includes the costs of the administrative functions of the Town not included in the separate warrant articles. - Passed by show of hands
Breakdown as follows:
Board of Selectman $128,191.00
Financial Administration $158,792.00
Assessing Services $51,000.00
Legal $25,000.00
Personnel Administration $94,626.00
Planning/Zoning/Tax Maps $9,250.00
Government Buildings $132,000.00
Insurance $74,229.00
Trust Management $7,490.00
Walking Town Boundaries $1.00
Contingency $15,000.00
Emergency Management $2,500.00
Signs, Posts, E911 $1,500.00
Hydrant Rental $7,200.00
Solid Waste $228,609.00
Beebe River Utilities $22,840.00
Health Officer $1,500.00
Town Welfare $25,000.00
Other welfare $4,000.00
Library $48,349.00
Patriotic Purposes $750.00
Conservation Commission $1,775.00
Long Term Debt & Interest $211,234.00
Total General Municipal Op. $1,250,836.00
Art. 3: This article represents the proposed budget for the Police Department for 2020. Notable changes to the budget are due the addition of a Municipal Prosecutor who is to be shared amongst the Towns of Campton, Lincoln and Woodstock. Lincoln and Woodstock will annually submit $34,000 and $38,000 respectively ($72,000 total) to fund the new position. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 4: This article allows the police department to provide police detail services in the community. Money dispensed from this account is offset by the money collected from the entities who requested a police detail. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 5: This SUV cruiser is part of the regular rotation of police vehicles replaced on an average of every six years. This SUV will replace the current Dodge Durango. If approved, the funding for this car will not be raised out of 2020 taxation, but instead funded by the unassigned fund balance (reserve) that the town has to legally maintain by the state. - Passed by show of hands
Art.6: This article funds the purchase and installation of Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) for 3 of the police cruisers. The article is funded by a grant from the State of NH and the unassigned fund balance. No amount to be raised from taxation. - Passed by show of hands
Art.7: This article funds the operations of the Highway Department for 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art.8: This article funds the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office for 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 9: This article funds the operations of the Recreation program for 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 10: This article funds the operations of the Fire Department. The notable increase in this budget is due to the NH Department of Revenue’s requirement that the Town of Campton gross budget for the department rather than raising Campton’s share solely. The total amount raised will be offset by $397,167.00 in revenue from the towns of Thornton and Ellsworth. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 11: As a member of the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association, Campton is required to pay annual dues for the town’s participation. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 12: The article raises funds for the fighting of forest fires. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 13: This article funds the operations for cemetery maintenance in 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 14: This article provides funds for donations and annual dues. - Passed by show of hands
Grafton County Senior Citizen: $4,400
Tri-County CAP: $3,800
Mid-State Health Center: $1,200
Lakes Region Behavioral Health (Genesis): $1,200
CADY: $500
CASA: $500.00
Central NH Chamber of Commerce: $696.00
NH Humane Society: $3,000
Art. 15: This article raises funds for Pemi-Baker Community Health to help match grant funding, provide services to those with limited or no ability to pay and to augment the cost of services that are not covered through third party payers. Amount is determined by population and resident usage. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 16: This article raises funds for the Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. The CIP Committee recognizes this fund as having an immediate need for funding. These funds will be raised by general taxation. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 17: This article raises funds for the Infrastructure Improvements Capital Reserve Fund. This fund will be used for regular road maintenance and improvements such as the annual paving and gravel. These funds will be offset by $53,588 from the 2020 State of New Hampshire Municipal Aid and the remainder to be raised by general taxation. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 18: Funds raised here are for Fire/Rescue Vehicle, Municipal Building, Town Records Archive, Bridge Maintenance, Road Reconstruction and Dam Reconstruction Capital Reserve Funds. Based on the recommendation of the CIP Committee these select funds are in the most immediate need of funding. The Board of Selectmen have decided to fund all $163,000.00 of budgeted costs from the unassigned fund balance (reserve). - Passed by show of hands
Fire/Rescue Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund $ 100,000.00
Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve Fund $ 40,000.00
Town Records Archive Capital Reserve Fund $ 3,000.00
Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund $ 5,000.00
Road Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund $ 5,000.00
Dam Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund $10,000.00
Art. 19: Submitted by Petition- This article expands the purpose of the Library Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The change would include engineering and planning expenses. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 20: Submitted by Petition- This article raises funds for Library Capital Reserve Fund previously established - Passed by show of hands
Art. 21: Submitted by Petition- To establish an independent committee to identify the Town of Campton’s vulnerabilities as a result of climate change and recommend mitigation and adaption strategies.- Passed by show of hands
Art. 22: To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of agents and officers hereto chosen. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 23: To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. - Passed by show of hands
Selectmen (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Dan Boynton - incumbent (194 votes) WON
Town Moderator (Positions: 1; 2-year term)
Richard Giehl - incumbent (190 votes) WON
Town Clerk/Tax Collector (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Hannah B Joyce - incumbent (193 votes) WON
Supervisors of the Checklist (Positions: 1; 6-year term)
Ron Goggans - incumbent (188 votes) WON
Trustee of the Trust Funds (Positions: 1; 3-year term; Positions: 1; 2-year term)
Virginia Stickney Erickson - incumbent (188 votes) WON
Brenda Boisvert - incumbent (190 votes) WON
Library Trustees (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Priscilla Whitney - Incumbent (189 votes) WON
Superintendent and Sexton of the Cemeteries (Positions: 1; 1-year term)
John W Timson Jr - incumbent (198 votes) WON
Campton School Board (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Danny N Desrosiers - incumbent WON
Campton School Treasurer (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
Sharon L Davis - incumbent (188 votes) WON
Campton School Moderator (Positions: 1; 3-year term)
David Moriarty - incumbent (200 votes) WON
Art. 2: This article includes the costs of the administrative functions of the Town not included in the separate warrant articles. - Passed by show of hands
Breakdown as follows:
Board of Selectman $128,191.00
Financial Administration $158,792.00
Assessing Services $51,000.00
Legal $25,000.00
Personnel Administration $94,626.00
Planning/Zoning/Tax Maps $9,250.00
Government Buildings $132,000.00
Insurance $74,229.00
Trust Management $7,490.00
Walking Town Boundaries $1.00
Contingency $15,000.00
Emergency Management $2,500.00
Signs, Posts, E911 $1,500.00
Hydrant Rental $7,200.00
Solid Waste $228,609.00
Beebe River Utilities $22,840.00
Health Officer $1,500.00
Town Welfare $25,000.00
Other welfare $4,000.00
Library $48,349.00
Patriotic Purposes $750.00
Conservation Commission $1,775.00
Long Term Debt & Interest $211,234.00
Total General Municipal Op. $1,250,836.00
Art. 3: This article represents the proposed budget for the Police Department for 2020. Notable changes to the budget are due the addition of a Municipal Prosecutor who is to be shared amongst the Towns of Campton, Lincoln and Woodstock. Lincoln and Woodstock will annually submit $34,000 and $38,000 respectively ($72,000 total) to fund the new position. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 4: This article allows the police department to provide police detail services in the community. Money dispensed from this account is offset by the money collected from the entities who requested a police detail. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 5: This SUV cruiser is part of the regular rotation of police vehicles replaced on an average of every six years. This SUV will replace the current Dodge Durango. If approved, the funding for this car will not be raised out of 2020 taxation, but instead funded by the unassigned fund balance (reserve) that the town has to legally maintain by the state. - Passed by show of hands
Art.6: This article funds the purchase and installation of Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) for 3 of the police cruisers. The article is funded by a grant from the State of NH and the unassigned fund balance. No amount to be raised from taxation. - Passed by show of hands
Art.7: This article funds the operations of the Highway Department for 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art.8: This article funds the Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s office for 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 9: This article funds the operations of the Recreation program for 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 10: This article funds the operations of the Fire Department. The notable increase in this budget is due to the NH Department of Revenue’s requirement that the Town of Campton gross budget for the department rather than raising Campton’s share solely. The total amount raised will be offset by $397,167.00 in revenue from the towns of Thornton and Ellsworth. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 11: As a member of the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association, Campton is required to pay annual dues for the town’s participation. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 12: The article raises funds for the fighting of forest fires. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 13: This article funds the operations for cemetery maintenance in 2020. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 14: This article provides funds for donations and annual dues. - Passed by show of hands
Grafton County Senior Citizen: $4,400
Tri-County CAP: $3,800
Mid-State Health Center: $1,200
Lakes Region Behavioral Health (Genesis): $1,200
CADY: $500
CASA: $500.00
Central NH Chamber of Commerce: $696.00
NH Humane Society: $3,000
Art. 15: This article raises funds for Pemi-Baker Community Health to help match grant funding, provide services to those with limited or no ability to pay and to augment the cost of services that are not covered through third party payers. Amount is determined by population and resident usage. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 16: This article raises funds for the Highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. The CIP Committee recognizes this fund as having an immediate need for funding. These funds will be raised by general taxation. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 17: This article raises funds for the Infrastructure Improvements Capital Reserve Fund. This fund will be used for regular road maintenance and improvements such as the annual paving and gravel. These funds will be offset by $53,588 from the 2020 State of New Hampshire Municipal Aid and the remainder to be raised by general taxation. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 18: Funds raised here are for Fire/Rescue Vehicle, Municipal Building, Town Records Archive, Bridge Maintenance, Road Reconstruction and Dam Reconstruction Capital Reserve Funds. Based on the recommendation of the CIP Committee these select funds are in the most immediate need of funding. The Board of Selectmen have decided to fund all $163,000.00 of budgeted costs from the unassigned fund balance (reserve). - Passed by show of hands
Fire/Rescue Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund $ 100,000.00
Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve Fund $ 40,000.00
Town Records Archive Capital Reserve Fund $ 3,000.00
Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund $ 5,000.00
Road Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund $ 5,000.00
Dam Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund $10,000.00
Art. 19: Submitted by Petition- This article expands the purpose of the Library Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The change would include engineering and planning expenses. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 20: Submitted by Petition- This article raises funds for Library Capital Reserve Fund previously established - Passed by show of hands
Art. 21: Submitted by Petition- To establish an independent committee to identify the Town of Campton’s vulnerabilities as a result of climate change and recommend mitigation and adaption strategies.- Passed by show of hands
Art. 22: To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of agents and officers hereto chosen. - Passed by show of hands
Art. 23: To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. - Passed by show of hands