2022 Town Election Results
Selectmen (Seats up for election in 2022: 2; 3-year term)
- Craig Engel 361 WINNER
- Karl Kelly 297
- Mort Donahue 349 WINNER
- Richard Giehl 358 WINNER
- Matthew Smith 182
- Mary O’Brien 517 WINNER
- Carolyn Hill 503 WINNER
- John Timson 491 WINNER
- Kelly Wieser 419 WINNER
- Donna Hiltz 411 WINNER
- Lisa Tremblay 175
- Ashley Custance 165
Town Articles
Article 2: To see if the town will vote to adopt the following amendment to the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board: To add Article V section 5.05:
This section will add an impact fee section to the Campton Zoning Ordinance The allows the Planning Board to establish a fee schedule for developments to properly assess added costs to town services. These services are listed in RSA 674:21, V.
NO 178
Article 3: To see if the town will vote to adopt the following amendment to the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board: To add article VI section 6.02 B 5 so the proposed paragraph will read: “Detached accessory building units shall not exceed a maximum of 900 square feet and shall have a minimum of 600 square feet.
Yes 273
Article 4: To see if the town will vote to adopt the following amendment to the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board: To amend article VI section 6.02 A 6 by adding a minimum square footage, so the amended paragraph will read: “Attached accessory dwelling units shall not exceed a maximum of 900 square feet and shall have a minimum of 380 square feet.
NO 259
Article 5: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,471,379.00 for general municipal operations during the ensuing year. The Prosecutor and the Fire Department will eb offset from the intergovernmental agreements that are in place. This sum does not include amounts set for an individual or special articles contained in the warrant. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Board of Selectmen $24,100.00
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/SOC $230,656.00
Financial Administration $332,772.00
Assessing Services $51,000.00
Legal $50,000.00
Personnel Administration $107,001.00
Planning/Zoning/Tax Maps $9,251.00
Government Buildings $149,500.00
Cemetery $63,036.00
Insurance $82,595.00
Advertising and Regional $16,100.00
Trust Management $8,690.00
Contingency $15,000.00
Police Department $941,032.00
Fire Department $1,085,998.00
FD Dispatch/Forest Fire $35,948.00
Emergency Management $2,500.00
Signs, Posts, E911 $1,500.00
Highway $637,841.00
Hydrant Rental $7,200.00
Solid Waste $229,047.00
Beebe River Utilities $22,840.00
Health Agencies $18,340.00
Town Welfare/Bridge House/VAV $19,000.00
Park & Recreation $122,460.00
Library $46,674.00
Patriotic Purposes $1,000.00
Conservation Commission $1,750.00
Long Term Debt and Interest $158,548.00
Amendment to reduce operations appropriation failed by show of hands
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 6: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $46,059.00 for the purpose of purchasing a new cruiser for the police department and further to spend this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of this amount from the unassigned fund balances as of December 31, 2021. No amount to be raised by general taxation. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 7: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000.00 to be added to the highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 8: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $250,000.00 to eb added to the Road Infrastructure Improvements Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 9: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000.00 to be added to the Fire/Rescue Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 10: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 to be placed in the designated Capital reserve Funds previously established and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $75,000.00 from the unassigned fund balance as of December 31. 2021. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve Fund $40,000.00
Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund $5,000.00
Road Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund $5,000.00
Solid Waste Disposal Capital Reserve Fund $25,000.00
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 11: Shall the following provisions pertaining to elections in the town of Campton, New Hampshire be adopted? All voting for the elected officials in municipal, county, state, and federal elections shall be by paper ballot; and all ballots shall be hand-counted only, rather than by use of optical scanning or any other types of programmable or electronic ballot counting devices. The selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5. (By Petition) (Majority Vote Required)
Motion to Bypass Passed by show of hands (counted: 99 For, 64 Against)
Motion to vote without discussion Passed by show of hands
Motion to Call the Question Passed by show of hands
Article FAILED by show of hands
Article 12: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 to be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 13: To see if the town will allow the selectmen to enter into a long-term lease agreement for 7 body-worn cameras in the amount of $34,000.00 payable over a term of 5 years. It is anticipated that the town may receive a grant to offset the total cost of the agreement. Furthermore, to raise and appropriate $6,800.00 for the first year’s payment. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (3/5 ballot vote required)
Article PASSED by ballot vote
Yes 151
No 17
Article 14: To see if the town will vote to accept the reports of agents and officers hereto chosen. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 15: To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Campton Conservation Commission announced completion of West Branch Brook Forest land conservation project.
Article PASSED by show of hands
This section will add an impact fee section to the Campton Zoning Ordinance The allows the Planning Board to establish a fee schedule for developments to properly assess added costs to town services. These services are listed in RSA 674:21, V.
NO 178
Article 3: To see if the town will vote to adopt the following amendment to the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board: To add article VI section 6.02 B 5 so the proposed paragraph will read: “Detached accessory building units shall not exceed a maximum of 900 square feet and shall have a minimum of 600 square feet.
Yes 273
Article 4: To see if the town will vote to adopt the following amendment to the existing Town of Campton Zoning Ordinance as proposed by the Planning Board: To amend article VI section 6.02 A 6 by adding a minimum square footage, so the amended paragraph will read: “Attached accessory dwelling units shall not exceed a maximum of 900 square feet and shall have a minimum of 380 square feet.
NO 259
Article 5: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,471,379.00 for general municipal operations during the ensuing year. The Prosecutor and the Fire Department will eb offset from the intergovernmental agreements that are in place. This sum does not include amounts set for an individual or special articles contained in the warrant. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Board of Selectmen $24,100.00
Town Clerk/Tax Collector/SOC $230,656.00
Financial Administration $332,772.00
Assessing Services $51,000.00
Legal $50,000.00
Personnel Administration $107,001.00
Planning/Zoning/Tax Maps $9,251.00
Government Buildings $149,500.00
Cemetery $63,036.00
Insurance $82,595.00
Advertising and Regional $16,100.00
Trust Management $8,690.00
Contingency $15,000.00
Police Department $941,032.00
Fire Department $1,085,998.00
FD Dispatch/Forest Fire $35,948.00
Emergency Management $2,500.00
Signs, Posts, E911 $1,500.00
Highway $637,841.00
Hydrant Rental $7,200.00
Solid Waste $229,047.00
Beebe River Utilities $22,840.00
Health Agencies $18,340.00
Town Welfare/Bridge House/VAV $19,000.00
Park & Recreation $122,460.00
Library $46,674.00
Patriotic Purposes $1,000.00
Conservation Commission $1,750.00
Long Term Debt and Interest $158,548.00
Amendment to reduce operations appropriation failed by show of hands
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 6: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $46,059.00 for the purpose of purchasing a new cruiser for the police department and further to spend this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of this amount from the unassigned fund balances as of December 31, 2021. No amount to be raised by general taxation. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 7: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000.00 to be added to the highway Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 8: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $250,000.00 to eb added to the Road Infrastructure Improvements Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 9: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000.00 to be added to the Fire/Rescue Vehicle Capital Reserve Fund previously established. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 10: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 to be placed in the designated Capital reserve Funds previously established and further to fund this appropriation by authorizing the withdrawal of $75,000.00 from the unassigned fund balance as of December 31. 2021. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Municipal Buildings Capital Reserve Fund $40,000.00
Bridge Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund $5,000.00
Road Reconstruction Capital Reserve Fund $5,000.00
Solid Waste Disposal Capital Reserve Fund $25,000.00
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 11: Shall the following provisions pertaining to elections in the town of Campton, New Hampshire be adopted? All voting for the elected officials in municipal, county, state, and federal elections shall be by paper ballot; and all ballots shall be hand-counted only, rather than by use of optical scanning or any other types of programmable or electronic ballot counting devices. The selectmen do not recommend this article 0-5. (By Petition) (Majority Vote Required)
Motion to Bypass Passed by show of hands (counted: 99 For, 64 Against)
Motion to vote without discussion Passed by show of hands
Motion to Call the Question Passed by show of hands
Article FAILED by show of hands
Article 12: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000.00 to be added to the Library Capital Reserve Fund. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 13: To see if the town will allow the selectmen to enter into a long-term lease agreement for 7 body-worn cameras in the amount of $34,000.00 payable over a term of 5 years. It is anticipated that the town may receive a grant to offset the total cost of the agreement. Furthermore, to raise and appropriate $6,800.00 for the first year’s payment. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (3/5 ballot vote required)
Article PASSED by ballot vote
Yes 151
No 17
Article 14: To see if the town will vote to accept the reports of agents and officers hereto chosen. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Article PASSED by show of hands
Article 15: To transact any other business that may legally come before said meeting. The selectmen recommend this article 5-0. (Majority Vote Required)
Campton Conservation Commission announced completion of West Branch Brook Forest land conservation project.
Article PASSED by show of hands
Pemi-Baker School Board
School Board Member from Ashland
Paul Pizzano 338
School Board Member from Holderness
Sam Brickley 341
School Board Member from Plymouth
Greg Aprilliano 206
John Randlett 164
School Board Member from Thornton
Paul Ciotti 332
School Board Member from Wentworth
Bernice Sullivan 210
Omer Ahern, Jr. 191
Quentin Blaine 379
Article 1 Negotiate and Execute Tuition Contracts: To see if the School District will vote to authorize the School Board to negotiate and execute such contracts as the board may determine advisable for students inside or outside the Pemi-Baker Regional School District. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 424
No 61
Article 2 School Board Contingency Fund: To see if the School District will vote to establish a contingency fund in accordance with RSA 198: 4-b to meet the costs of unanticipated expenses that may arise during the year and, further, to raise and appropriate the sum od one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for such contingency fund. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 418
No 71
Article 3 Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement: To see if the School District will vote to approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Pemi-Baker Regional School Board and the Plymouth Regional Education Association which calls for the following increases in salary and benefits at the current staffing level:
Fiscal Year Estimated Increase
2022-2023 $120,667
2023-2024 $123,385
2024-2025 $137,694
2025-2026 $142,609
And further to raise and appropriate One Hundred Twenty Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Seven dollars ($120.667) for the current fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at the current staffing levels. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 379
No 149
Article 4 Operating Budget: Shall the Pemi-Baker Regional School District vote to raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by the special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session for the purposes set forth herein, totaling Sixteen Million, Six Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Forty dollars ($16,658,540)?
Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be Fifteen Million Nine Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand One Hundred Eighty dollars ($15,964,180), which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by by previous action by the Pemi-Baker Regional School Board, or by law or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13 X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only. This sum excludes the sum in Warrant articles 2, 3, and 4. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 383
No 145
Paul Pizzano 338
School Board Member from Holderness
Sam Brickley 341
School Board Member from Plymouth
Greg Aprilliano 206
John Randlett 164
School Board Member from Thornton
Paul Ciotti 332
School Board Member from Wentworth
Bernice Sullivan 210
Omer Ahern, Jr. 191
Quentin Blaine 379
Article 1 Negotiate and Execute Tuition Contracts: To see if the School District will vote to authorize the School Board to negotiate and execute such contracts as the board may determine advisable for students inside or outside the Pemi-Baker Regional School District. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 424
No 61
Article 2 School Board Contingency Fund: To see if the School District will vote to establish a contingency fund in accordance with RSA 198: 4-b to meet the costs of unanticipated expenses that may arise during the year and, further, to raise and appropriate the sum od one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for such contingency fund. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 418
No 71
Article 3 Teachers Collective Bargaining Agreement: To see if the School District will vote to approve the cost items included in the collective bargaining agreement reached between the Pemi-Baker Regional School Board and the Plymouth Regional Education Association which calls for the following increases in salary and benefits at the current staffing level:
Fiscal Year Estimated Increase
2022-2023 $120,667
2023-2024 $123,385
2024-2025 $137,694
2025-2026 $142,609
And further to raise and appropriate One Hundred Twenty Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-Seven dollars ($120.667) for the current fiscal year, such sum representing the additional costs attributable to the increase in salaries and benefits required by the new agreement over those that would be paid at the current staffing levels. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 379
No 149
Article 4 Operating Budget: Shall the Pemi-Baker Regional School District vote to raise and appropriate as an operating budget, not including appropriations by the special warrant articles and other appropriations voted separately, the amounts set forth on the budget posted with the warrant or as amended by vote of the first session for the purposes set forth herein, totaling Sixteen Million, Six Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Five Hundred Forty dollars ($16,658,540)?
Should this article be defeated, the default budget shall be Fifteen Million Nine Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand One Hundred Eighty dollars ($15,964,180), which is the same as last year, with certain adjustments required by by previous action by the Pemi-Baker Regional School Board, or by law or the governing body may hold one special meeting, in accordance with RSA 40:13 X and XVI, to take up the issue of a revised operating budget only. This sum excludes the sum in Warrant articles 2, 3, and 4. The School Board recommends this article. (Majority vote required)
Yes 383
No 145